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Learn every step I took to build a 6-figure, one-person business (while wearing sweatpants) by teaching what I know on TikTok so you can do the same!

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    “I didn't think my target audience would be on TikTok, but I started posting and within 4 videos, they found me. The income wasn't far behind!”

    Greg Langstaff

    Side Hustler turned
    Successful Entrepreneur

    What you get:

    Greg has made and learned from every mistake a solopreneur can make and now that he's found a path to success, he's sharing it so you can by-pass that awkward "slow-growth" phase and find success ASAP!

    What is in the book?

    This e-book is very instructional and it's goal is to help you:

    • Identify your niche and target audience (if you don't already have one)
    • Create an unlimited flow of viral content ideas
    • Write, film, and edit TikTok videos that will reach thousands (sometimes millions)
    • Determine how you can turn those viewers into leads, high quality clients, and passive income
    • Set up a system to get paid for what you're selling
    • Connect your products and services to your TikTok account
    • Sell to your audience without ever being pushy or salesy